Monday, August 6, 2012

The Big Thing presently in Kenyan TV's

Everybody probably already guessed it right, the Olympic games! But Kenya is not doing fine, not even in the event we are best known for! I mean we've got Boxing and Swimming which is a good addition to the fields we were already conquering. Now I cannot safely bet even my hard earned $20 that a Kenyan will win  in the 1500m or 3000m race! Hell no! Judging from what I have seen, no!

But why are we doing so poorly? I have no idea? I have some suggestions and observations though! When Maiyo flopped on the hurdles and fell to the ground, no one was there to give her some moral support, not even a single team mate from Kenya! We cannot fully set the blame on her table for such accidents (or misfortunes), but surely, a coach should at least be there to encourage her, or a team mate for love's sake! We see other Olympians living and even thriving on encouragements from team mates and coaches... take the example of the Canadian Heptathlete whose coach had the encourage her to just finish the race, or the american sprinter who had to be helped through the race by his Dad. Are we Kenyans running out of love, compassion and dedication?

Why do we look like we don't know that this is the Olympics we are at? Some of our athletes are just too casual!!! If Rugby 7s was in the Olympics, we would have a shot at a bunch of medals: gold, silver or bronze!

Let's not even go there because we saw what happened in the HBC world series... same thing here too: Kenyans just lack in dedication, discipline and the seriousness to compete in the world stage! It's getting too hard out there for our casual bunch.

Now let the comments flow!

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