Sunday, July 8, 2012

Performances on July 8th.

I hope you did not have to wait too long but here are some videos from the performances of the 8th of July:

Tonight TPF had some amazing performances and good shockers.... For the first time ever, Doreen is not on probation!! Is it because she was good in her performance? Certainly this time one could hear her words. But she may have been safe because some performers were just not up to task.

Jackson was a real shocker and he had an amazing performance that ensured that those who came after him had a hard time living up to his first grade performance! He did a reggae song with a twist of country music in it, now how good is that.

Now the other thing is that  Nancy is on probation the second time over, and Joe is on probation, surely I did not expect that. Ruth did an awesome song and an electrifying performance - fantastic.


I think that this time around, the judges had an easy time determining who goes on probation... but now who do we save?

Vote result update:
The first vote I put up was asking who among the two South Sudan contestants would go the furthest and Nancy won with a huge margin - clearly.

I am putting up a vote to decide who to save from probation among the above 4 probates - get voting!!

Next show, you can catch all the action  here.

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