Sunday, July 1, 2012

3rd Nomination Night Performances

With this year's theme, I would say these performances lived up to expectation especially considering the fact that this was pretty much the third time the contestants performed on stage coupling choreography and singing. As Jackson said, the challenge was keeping the singing and the dancing in a perfect balance!

The theme of this TPF 5 is "Showtime"! Great theme I would say, because it means that we as the audience are in for a energetic and entertaining treat. 

If you did not watch them perform, here are the links:

Nancy came out strong and I have to admit that I love her choice of songs, she did an awesome job with that song. Now before I spoil the excitement, go ahead and watch the performances and leave your comments below.

You can catch live TV here

Just in case you were wondering, these are the songs that were performed by the contestants. They had great song choices, most of them classical, and for most of them that worked out well because it did not get them into probation. These were live at the Tusker Dome in Nairobi.

Nancy - Yeke Yeke by Mory Kante.
Nancy is just electrifying, so much confidence and self belief you can see it on her forehead!! She's something.

Joe - Fresh by Cool and the Gang.
Some how Joe always chooses these kind of songs , I think it is because he has the looks for the songs and that makes his performances seem so natural.

Ruth Matete - Anytime You Need a Friend by Mariah Carey.
She did a great job with the song and the crowd was bringing down the roof, they must really like her!

Sharon - Ndihamba Nawe by Mafikizolo.
She made it as natural as she could and it was a great performance

Jackson - Moyibi by Pepe Kale.
As Sheila said, it is hard to believe that he was struggling with dancing and singing at the same time.

Eunice - Love Me by Tiwa Savage.
Juliana wasn't impressed by this performance especially with the vocals. She has had better performances previously and things are not looking as good for her. Get texting if you want to save her!

Steve - Sina Makosa by Les Wanyika.
His performance was just fine, nothing really captivating.

Allan - E no Easy - P square featuring J. Martins.
Personally, I don't think the performance was as electrifying... That song has so much more potential and with a theme like Showtime, this song would give you some highlight reel... He had to do much better than that I believe. As Juliana said, he needs to add some twist to his performances. Gerrard nailed it with his comment that this song is a powerhouse, with African rhythm.

Samantha - Nadina by Mbilia Bel.
Now for those who did not understand what Juliana was talking about a twist to songs, this is an epitome of it. Take the song and sing it like it was your own. She owned it!

Doreen - I'll be Your Babe Tonight by Whitney Houston.
And she does it again, she chooses a song by Whitney Houston, I think she does so because she believes that she has the voice to match Whitney's. Somehow she's always having some trouble with the judges and from Ian's comments, I think she's just not audible enough. She however did a great job.

Apart from the contestants' performances, there was Jackie Chandiru from Uganda performing Gold Digger, awesome performance and also a good word of advice to the contestants. Thanks Jackie.

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