Saturday, December 29, 2012

Milestone 10,000 plus blog views!

Hoooray!! Our blog has hit and surpassed 10, 000 viewers. Thanks to all the viewers and especially to the contributors and authors of this blog. Thanks to +EssieOgol and +VinSanity for their posts.

Big thanks to our Blog followers and members as well:
Nyachae, B
Abuga, D
Maiyo, R
Atungisa, M
Vin Sanity
Namutosi, Y

Happy new year and have a great time as you celebrate the end of 2012.

See you in 2013 and keep reading and following this blog.

P.S: Join the new Google + Community; #The Kenyans to meet and exchange ideas and thoughts with other Kenyans in the www

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