Saturday, June 30, 2012

Probation's calling and oops, Doreen is back in it!

So Probation came calling for two of Kenya's representatives Doreen and Steve alongside Allan, Jackson and Eunice. Now if you want to save any of these contestants you better get texting! Oh did I mention that you could follow the goings on and get updates of whatever happens in the Academy through Facebook and Twitter.

And if you wanna catch up with the probates, go to Club Betty,s in Nairobi, the city in the sun!

While you are at it, check out this funny audition from Tanzania turned into one of those 'refresh your roots' moments:
this moment calls for a Tusker lol

Monday, June 25, 2012

Performances, Evictions and Probation

Well, so last weekend had some TPF fun to offer - call it good entertainment if you may. These guys already look like they were born stars. It's a great transformation that they have undergone in the past few weeks. I have included links to the performances and I won't include a lot of literature here (I am counting on you guys to leave comments, observations and thoughts on these performances and the outcomes.

Get controversial and let's enjoy this TPF while it lasts.

P.S: I realized that I hadn't left the comment section available to 'anyone' - anonymous users in other words - so now you don't need to sign in in order to post a comment so post them up and shout out loud!!

The Getting to Know you Show - June 9th

The Getting to Know you Show part 2 - with eviction of Pacifique

The above will link you to EABL Tusker's youtube channel from where you can catch all the actions and other video content from the Academy! And Jackson has been granted immunity - good thing or bad thing for him? You tell me.

I hope you enjoy this.

Peace, my people!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Gala Night 1

The Gala night had a great start! Awesome dancing, reminding me of high school music festivals! Once again the MCs are Sheila Mwanyigah and the ever entertaining Mich Egwang! The judges also have a 'green back', if I may say so because it's his first time to judge in TPF, am talking about judge Gerrard. I am sure he's experienced enough! The other judges you already know: Ian, Hermes, Juliana and of course the new G.

Mich seems to have stirred some drama already! Off to the introductions where contestants were introduced as per their nationality. I liked the song that Southern Sudan had for their introduction - simply awesome. Kenya had a pretty song too which reminded me of Tausi, remember that show? So Joe thinks that Kenyans are fast in everything they do! Thanks for the complement Joe but we still have a lot to work on.

The Academy looks great, the band is amazing - awesome place to be and the Faculty is such an endowed one:
Principal - Hellen
Music Director - R. Kay
Voice Coach - Kavutha
Choreographer - Edu

Brian Luzinda from Uganda performing Ne Yo's So Sick. Tough song perhaps? Hermes, believes that it was a great choice of a song but not the best performance, Ian as usual was straight to the point and surgically so - Brian did not do his best according to Ian. But considering the fact that he hasn't been before a crowd before.

      Catch the performances here

Doreen Muchiri performing Gabrielle's mammoth hit, Rise. She seems to know how to choose songs for herself. Props from Hermes, Gerrard, Juliana and Ian! Doreen's future in the academy looks promising - can she maybe win it for Kenya?

Linius performed a song called Simon Mbagala, did a great job. At least that's what I thought, until I reconsidered his vocals. The beautiful Diana Teta performed the huge song by Vanessa Williams - save the best for last... I really don't know what to say because I think she shows a lot a lot of promise, she wasn't very energetic with the performance though.
     Watch their performances here

Nancy Bol, from S. Sudan did such an awesome song, shocking the crowd with Iwasado... She is something! Such a  humble girl (getting a little emotional here lol). Amazing performance from Nancy - best wishes. Joe from Burundi did Lionel Richie and the Comodores - Easy, another classic and he didn't seem to have disappointed the judges either. Good luck Joe.

      Watch their performances here

Sent Home
We already have some people who've been shown the door though and these are:
- Linius
- Brian
- Diana

So sad to watch them go, but oh well.. you can always get another chance. Good luck guys, and do not be discouraged.


Other Video Content:
DISCLAIMER: I am not claiming ownership of these videos, they belong to EABL Tusker and can be found on Youtube, enjoy:

i) First two performance by contestants on probation
ii) Country Intros
iii) And so it begins!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

TPF Top 25

25 aspirants, 7 to go home and 18 to live on to sing another day! Wow what a test they had with only one chance, one song and one song only. I mean there are lots of variables to consider; the song has to be right, of the right key, voice projection has to be perfect and so on. These things can only be achieved if one is a natural performer - a true test of talent perhaps?

So here are the guys we'll see more of:
Steve Homes - Kenya
Mer Ayang - South Sudan
Pacifique Gashuri - Burundi
Jackson Kalimba - Rwanda
Sharon Nalwoga - Uganda
Allan Sekiranda - Uganda
Samantha Nzeyimana - Burundi
Fatuma Muhoza - Rwanda
Imani Cyprian - Tanzania
Eunice Gutu - Kenya
Ruth Matete - Kenya
Damian Mihayo - Tanzania

There are 6 contestants on probation, that means that they will be performing in the Gala night. This will be a great opportunity to actually see who is more of a performer than the other. Here are the contestants on probation:
Diana Teta - Rwanda
Joe Irankunda - Burundi
Doreen Muchiri - Kenya
Linias Mahaya - Tanzania
Nancy Bol - South Sudan
Brian Luzinda - Uganda

Doreen especially has been twice lucky so am looking forward to see what kind of performance she'll put up in the opening gala. Judge Ian seems to see some great potential in Samantha, good thing?

Who do you think presents the most potential so far?

Youtube videos part 1 to 3
part 1part 2part 3 Enjoy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Kenya; Nairobi and Kisumu.

Well, to start off, sorry for taking my time with this one! But back to business, I really don't know what to say about Nairobi and Kisumu all together so I am going to just highlight some funny moments and some controversies, that will be all for this blog, my apologies.

As for Nairobi, I had been waiting to be amazed by talented 'near future' stars from the home of Tusker Project fame but I have to admit I was barely impressed. But hey, on the flip side, there were a few really good contestants who gave there best. Kudos to the judges, great job this time around.
Linda! Big intro but your mascara (is that what they call it? the eye pencil stuff?) kind of scared me, I don't know about you guys. If I was a judge, it follows that the make up would in a way change a yes to a NO! For all the politicians out there, call me a conservative... lol.

Off to Kisumu! Before I start talking about the ever interesting Kisumu, how come there were no auditions in Eldoret? Or did I miss it? Kisumu was awesome, great performances and for the first time, at least in my case, I have seen the judges reconsider someone's performance - awesome! Or was there another instance they reconsidered someone? You can watch the highlights and intros through these links:

Nairobi Auditions - Part 1, youtube video.
Nairobi Auditions - Part 2, youtube video
Nairobi Auditions - Part 3, youtube video

Comedy and Laughable Moments!
There was this Micheal Jackson guy - he should get some kind of award, am not sure under what category but he tried man! He had some determination, come on guys... be with me on this one. Then there's this guy called Kibet, I won't give comments on my own because I did find a really funny comment on YouTube (am not plagiarizing, just saying that this was said by someone!!). Here's how that comment read: That kama ni ukale.... ".. A campler(gambler)..." lol. Kenny Rodgers will sue u for murdering his song!. Hahahahah is all I can say to that! Here is another YouTube comment that brought tears to my eyes! Not that I was sad, and not tears of joy either - just that I laughed hard enough to shed tears: "Lindarrrrr just keep staying out of the country."

Controversial Moments
Irene! Now here is where my agreement with the judges got a little sore. How about you guys? Surely they should reconsider Irene just as they did reconsider the other guy in Kisumu. Yet another comment from YouTube: "surely, Irene has it all, i dont get y she was rejected, chic ebu go try out for idols or xfactor, m sure simon would say yes. you have it, these guys r way too unfair".  But oh well! According to me, Irene was great and she will indeed find another way to fame if she decides to!

To conclude this, do you think we (Kenyans especially) are becoming too American? Or too Western perhaps? I mean, I look at Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi etc and I can clearly make an identity specific to them, do we have one original one? Food for thought.

Look out for a new post on the top 25,
