Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kenya (Meru, Nakuru), Rwanda and Burundi

We all remember Alpha, a very energetic, kind and loving personality who won TPF 3, from Rwanda so we all know what to expect from Rwanda. Apart from great talent, it always has beautiful ladies who already have a starry look, or is that just me?

Well, Diana Tete go the first yes for a really great start. Nina Fatuma, with Lauryn Hill and the Fugees' Killing me Softly was also great and after a few performances I was wondering what happened to the guys in Rwanda, a few other yeses were recorded in Kigali and Rwanda has a good number, congratulations.

The Tusker Project Fame is expanding and for the first time ever, Burundi is participating! I like that. And to keep the standards or rather, set them, Ian Mbugua was the judge. You might know Burundi through the famous Kidum. The first ever yes for Burundi was through Pacifique who gave a really great performance that would pass for a yes from any judge! Gabriel got a yes though half heartedly from Ian who for the whole time showed that Burundi did not really impress him. Could it be because Pacifique set a higher standard for all that came after him? Samantha came out really strong and probably changed Ian's thoughts, that is a hard thing to do but Samantha had done it. Marcel provided some comedy representing the older folk. Good luck to all the pioneers from Burundi,well done.

Off to Meru, Kenya... this was a really great step for TPF going to other places in the country apart from the bigger cities. And sure enough, with the success of Faith, Angela and Elizabeth, Meru shows some promise. At Nakuru, Joel provided the occasional, much needed comedy with his "Are you laughing because am good or...." But he knows that he's got a talent, he can be an entertainer. Edwin did not make it but went on to Mombasa to audition once again. Nakuru did not start off at a good note but it caught up with a couple of yeses.

Arusha, Dar and Mombasa Auditions

It is always an exciting time to watch auditions, especially in Tanzania where the big part of choirs we listened to as children came from - remember Shangilieni Church Choir and so on? These auditions had some really great talent and of course some were flat out boring and really comic - but that is the fun.

Dar had some good moments, some contestants deserved what they got, especially the guy who brought in a guitar, that was great. Arusha however had Ian Mbugua, well known for being painfully honest, good thing for the competition you think? He even went outside to give the waiting hopefuls to deliver the news that the judges did not want to waste their time.

Mombasa was awesome, the first yes for Mombasa did a great African song and she was really great at it - her dressing and hairstyle might have played a substantially great part in the YES that she received. But persistence really can ensure that you get somewhere. Think of Edwin for instance who tried out  the auditions in Nakuru and then went on the Mombasa auditions! And you might have already guessed that he did get a chance - well he did. So there you go, persistence. Remember the guy from Dar who had tried it in 2010 and Msechu beat him to the academy, his time finally came. I love it when the contestants choose to perform local music and succeed, as in the case of Collins and Makasi. As expected, some comedy here too with Ishmail Salim who did not sing at all, and almost rapped but this is a singing competition!